The True Messiah with His Integrity and Fairness to Everyone.

The true Messiah has sent letters and an attached documents to NATIONS LEADERS, MEDIAS, SCHOLARS AND KEY PERSONS both in USA and international about the coming of GOD's Messiah for many years since 1992. And the true Messiah needs people to verify God's true Messiah, but to no avail it hasn't happened . Along with his letter there was an attachment with many useful prophecies and the true Messiah 's word about the disasters continuing to happen will be proven as truth, up to the present time.

There is one example in this web page that shows the true Messiah had sent a letter and an attached document to The President of the World Conference on Religion and Peace on November 9, 1996, regarding the exact point of the world meeting, but there was no response. His letter is shown below:

November 9, 1996

The president

World Conference on Religion and Peace

777 United Nation Plaza

New York, NY 10017

Dear Sir:

No matter how mankind has tried, true peace has never happened on earth.

Please encourage people to prove my truth which will bring everlasting world peace and happiness. I attached my preliminary paper for your investigation.

Truly yours,

Real name of the mighty God

Address in Cincinnati


The true Messiah has a true and faithful mind, but why can't others see his truth?
The true Messiah sent his letter to the President of the United States, U.S.A. What happened afterward?

For detailed information about the letter written by the true Messiah to the President of the United States.

Please click at the Link below:

GOD follows up the Messiah's letter with The President of the United States.

Believing with no reason is faith. For God's righteousness: True Messiah must be verified by worldwide people.
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